So, it's hot in Vancouver right now. Very hot. As in, history making heat wave hot, with a good dose of humidity to boot. One of the only places it's really pleasant to be right now, in a city that doesn't believe in air conditioning, is at the beach, lolling in the Pacific breeze. And that's where the Lexi Barnes Classic Tote comes in.
What could you ask of a beach tote? That it be lightweight? Roomy? Stylish? The Classic Tote excels in all these areas, and can take on the city as well as it takes on the beach. I toss in my beach essentials, and a few non-essentials (hellooo, picnic!) and the sand is mine to command. Also, the nylon exterior is perfectly able to brush off any accidental drips, of, say, deliciously creamy ice cream.
Seriously, we here at Funchico cannot say enough good things about this bag - the jealous stares from our fellow beachcombers don't hurt, either.
There are three sizes and three colours of the classic tote to choose from (we adore the copper!). They range in price from $79 to $119 - check these hot totes out on the Lexie Barnes site!